Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Congratulations, It's a girl...........

Flipping through the pages of a famous fashion and lifestyle magazine I came across this article on ‘female infanticide’ and how this NGO saved a pretty angel like four day old sweetheart with the most darling smile [her photos were there of course], from the mouth of death and forced her parents to accept her and admit that they were wrong.

Ahem…… you are about to kill a four day old baby, and you get caught along with a lot of media being involved.
I doubt if it was realisation or true penance that brought about that change!

For the little angels sake I hope those NGO warriors check in on her every week and when she is old enough make her pinky swear that she’ll yell her lungs out the moment her parents come within one feet distance from her. Because, they might have prevented infanticide here; but created the perfect scenario for domestic violence if you ask me.

Today, the law and human rights associations protect girls and women from a lot of ill intended harm and they are probably the reason why a lot of people are scared into not doing anything drastic or crazy to get into trouble; but, it doesn’t change who they are or what they think or even whatever twisted and insane version of right and wrong that they have in their heads.

Education helps create awareness and increase sensibility? Then, why did my fully educated, ultra-sonologist, father of two daughters apparently, with a clinic wallpapered with ‘sex detection of the foetus is illegal’ posters; get busted in a recent sting operation for not only detecting the gender of the baby but for also suggesting no questions asked abortion clinics to his patients?
Why did a friend’s highly qualified software engineer husband use her face as his personal punching bag for the last three years and make her life so unbearable that she had to take her five year old son and run?
And, why did this teary eyed girl sitting next to me in the bus one day; stare at her phone at this open text that I shamelessly eavesdropped and read; and why did she not just delete it or go slap the boy but instead sat there considering a message that read, “I dont care.Hav sex wid me again or I break up wid u”?

I rather go through the sick; depressed feeling of knowing that an infant at her prettiest, most pure and innocent hour of her life was brutally killed than live with the knowledge that she was saved, forced to live with parents who did not want her in the first place and probably grew up to be the eight year old slapped because she wanted to study, the twelve year old forced into child labour, the eighteen year old forced into prostitution by a drunk; un employed father, the 23 year old[normal educated grew up in a good family got married to a great guy type girl] mother of two kids; and pregnant again made to give up her career, her sensibilities and everything beautifully wonderful about her to pursue her mother in laws quest for a grandson.

Every person reading this, including myself can argue about my highly prejudiced one point perspective way of looking at this situation and yes, I am turning a deaf year and blindsiding the world where women empowerment etc. is happening at an amazingly wonderful and satisfying rate; simply because; the rest of the world aside, no parent who can get even the slightest urge to kill their own child would qualify as someone who can nurture and love that little angel to grow up to be the modern woman we all read endless lifestyle columns about.

There might be a lot of things one deserves or does not. But no girl deserves to think she doesn’t deserve her parents love or that she is unlucky, unwanted or not beautiful enough to be truly happy.

Let her go rendezvous in heaven than live through hell.